Ventured into the forest a few weekends ago. Finally got the truck packed up and ready to go and made it to Locust point on the rainbow rim around 2pm. Ate some pb and js for lunch and headed south to North Timp point on the Bikes.
Prescribed burn closed the trail to Timp but we hiked that last year so not that much of a loss.. View from North Timp point of steamboat mountain and Tapeats Amphitheater in first two pictures.
Back to camp for dinner and sunset (on right). Western part of the canyon seems hazier at times but I really dig the view.
Monday headed north... Locust point to Fence point- about 3 miles. View from fence point of steam boat mountain, Crazy Jug canyon and Tapeats Terrace. Love the way the esplanade looks out here.
Ended at Parissawampitts point (name apparently derived form a paiute word for Bubbling spring or something of that nature).
Didn't see any springs or much at all really. The point is pretty overgrown and you have to hike down to be able to see the canyon. So we stopped.. took some pictures of the signs and headed back.
Jesse at the point (left).. classic hippie biking attire.
Tough ride back.. saw a coyote! Mountain biking isn't exactly my forte but I still had fun.
I so need to get out that way. Crazy Jug is my fave so far.